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Oyster Mushrooms With Attitude!
Oyster mushrooms like these are a common sight along creeks in fall and winter.
Even a little rain provides enough moisture
for wild mushrooms to sprout and grow.
Oyster mushrooms grow in a broad variety of shapes and sizes.
Often fully expressing themselves along lengths of rotting logs.
Some in growth patterns that conform to the contours of their host.
More than a hand's width broad and tall, they strain to reach the light.
Rotting logs can host scores of oyster mushrooms
in various stages of development.
Beautifully arranging themselves to make the most of the forest's filtered sunlight.
They are also found high up on the bark of
living trees where they thrive in great numbers.
In addition to oyster mushrooms, other varieties of fungi favor creek-fed canyons.
Artist Conks grow near the base of living trees and slowly expand for years.
Their tough, wood-like texture deters insects
and provides insulation in all weather.
Fallen leaves and other creek-side debris
decompose to provide nutrients for mushroom spores.
Honey mushrooms like this one are often
found growing very near the water's edge.
Decomposing leaves become compost for next year's crop of wild mushrooms.
A pair of Puff Balls erupt through the rich compost of the forest floor.
To see more of our native mushrooms, enter the forest.
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