Hicks Road
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Trunk Fun!
October 2021
In autumn of 2014, the "three stumps" site on Hicks stopped producing sulfur polypores.
However, another site along Hicks also produces spectacular polypores.
Each autumn, a large sulfur polypore emerges from a cavity in this Live Oak's trunk.
Any time from late September through October, the annual polypore emerges.
These polypore are large and expressive and fun to discover and photograph.

Although it only emerged a few short days before, due to drought conditions, it was already drying out.

This is a rugged area with the added attraction of a seasonal creek.
I've been visiting this area for more than 10 years and this is the first time I've seen a dry creekbed.
Once seasonal rains begin, this creek comes alive. Photo taken in 2005.
This small area hosts a wide variety of wildlife, from invertibrates to mammals who use it as a corridor.
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