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Sulphur Polypore
Sept 2009
On a dead stump along a country road
a brightly colored polypore mushroom emerges.
Each rounded, globulous nodule expands rapidly
to become a series of fleshy shelves.
Growing and spreading at a fantastic rate of 2-3 inches every 24 hours.
Erupting from a fissure in its dead-stump host, its bright color stands out vividly.
It lifts itself as it spreads, straining towards the light.
Those passing by hardly notice it as they hurry along their way.
But some, ever mindful of the public's safety, notice everything as they pass.
As the bracket-like shelves expand, delicate bands
of peach- and coral-tone flesh emerge.
Aging with every passing hour, in another 2-3 days
it will lose its luster as it begins drying out.
But for now, it is cool and moist to the touch with a wonderfully wholesome scent.
In Aug/Sept 2012, this same stump produced a polypore.
Sulphur Polypore: Semicircular, bracket-like to fan-shaped, often imbricated.
Upper surface irregular, undulating, velvety, sulphur-yellow to orange.*
Flesh is juicy, occasionally with guttation drops, later crumbly like goat's cheese.
Common in autumn on trunks and tree stumps in
mixed woodlands and eucalyptus groves.*
* For more information, see "Encyclopedia of Fungi" by Gerrit J. Keizer
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